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英雄联盟猪妹,Pig Sister Takes Over the Rift


As one of the most unconventional and underappreciated champions in the game, Pig Sister (also known as Sejuani), has finally taken over the Rift. With her unique playstyle and diverse kit, Pig Sister has become a popular pick in solo queue and competitive play. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into the champion, her strengths, weaknesses, and how to dominate with her.

The Basics

Pig Sister is a tanky champion with a variety of crowd control abilities and supportive traits. As a jungler, her kit is designed for ganking and peeling for her team. Her abilities include:

Arctic Assault - A gap closer that stuns enemies on impact.

Flail of the Northern Winds - A damaging ability that also grants armor and magic resist to Pig Sister and nearby allies.

Permafrost - A slow and damaging ability that can be used after Pig Sister lands her Arctic Assault.

Glacial Prison - Pig Sister's ultimate ability that creates a large area of effect stun, damaging enemies and slowing them down.

英雄联盟猪妹,Pig Sister Takes Over the Rift

Understanding Pig Sister's abilities and how they work together is crucial for success with the champion.

Playing Pig Sister

Pig Sister's playstyle is all about ganking and initiating fights for her team. Her Arctic Assault and Glacial Prison are powerful tools for engaging on enemies, while her Flail of the Northern Winds allows her to stay tanky in team fights. When playing Pig Sister, the key is to focus on map awareness and anticipating enemy movements.

Early in the game, Pig Sister can take advantage of her strong ganking potential to help her lanes get ahead. Her Arctic Assault and Permafrost can secure kills or force enemies to use their summoner spells. Later in the game, Pig Sister becomes a powerful tank that can soak up damage and keep her carries safe with their crowd control abilities.

Building Pig Sister

Pig Sister's build can vary depending on the situation, but there are a few core items that she benefits from:

Cinderhulk - The jungle item that gives Pig Sister additional health and makes her more tanky.

Dead Man's Plate - A tanky item that gives Pig Sister additional movement speed and damage on her next basic attack.

Spirit Visage - An item that gives Pig Sister additional health and magic resist, while also increasing the healing from her passive.

Other situational items include Thornmail for dealing with enemy AD threats, Warmog's Armor for increased health regeneration, and Randuin's Omen for slowing down enemy attack speed.

Playing Against Pig Sister

Pig Sister's strengths come from her crowd control abilities, so playing against her requires careful positioning and smart itemization. Here are a few tips:

Stay spread out in team fights to avoid getting caught in Pig Sister's Glacial Prison.

Build items with Tenacity to reduce the duration of Pig Sister's crowd control abilities.

Focus on Pig Sister's carries, as she can't do much damage on her own.

Take advantage of Pig Sister's lack of mobility by kiting her and staying out of her range.


英雄联盟猪妹,Pig Sister Takes Over the Rift

Pig Sister may not be the flashiest champion in the game, but her versatility and tankiness make her a valuable addition to any team. By understanding her abilities and how to play around them, you can dominate the Rift with Pig Sister.